Time to post about the Creativ Festival.
We all met up at the Oshawa Go Train station to begin our adventure. I went into the station to buy the tickets only to read a sign that said 8:41 Go Train to Union Station cancelled. GULP. What do you mean it is cancelled...this can't be. How will we get there?? A very nice lady infront of me in the ticket line explained they were going to bus us into Union Station. Phew!! OK, the panic started to subside and my breathing went back to normal..lol. So we all boarded a bus and away we went. We got downtown Toronto only 6 minutes later than if we had been on the train. So after a pit stop at Union Station we treked over to the Metro Convention Centre.
The show was great....and I bought way too much material.

Fun was had by all and 5 very tired people made the trek home to Oshawa. I know my Aunt enjoyed it because on the way home she wanted to know when the Spring show was. So I think we have another person addicted to going to the show. The Spring show is better than the fall one and it is in Mississauga. One good thing about that is that we have to drive to it, so that means you can go out to the car and drop off heavy bags full of fabric. :-)